Yoga Exam Registration

  • Please note that it is application for appearing in Yoga Certification Examination. It is not a Yoga Course or a Training Programme. Please see FAQ for more details.
  • You can pay by your credit card /debit card / net banking through direct payment system.
  • Fee once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • Requirement for Online Exam
    • Computer / Laptop with Battery Backup and attached Mic, Speaker & Web Camera
    • Uninterrupted Internet connectivity with 1 MBPS speed
    • Separate Cabin / Room with sufficient light
    • Yoga Mat placed 6 feet from the Laptop / Computer in Horizontal position for Practical Exam
    • Please note that you cannot appear in exam from Mobile Phone
Level of ExamIndian Citizens (Inclusive of 18% GST)
 Level 1 Yoga Protocol InstructorRs. 3835
 Level 2 Yoga Wellness InstructorRs. 5605
 Level 3 Yoga Teacher and EvaluatorRs. 7375
 Level 4 Assistant Yoga TherapistRs. 7375
 Level 7 Therapeutic Yoga ConsultantRs. 13865
 Level 6 Yoga MasterRs. 9735
 Level 5 Yoga TherapistRs. 8555
1 Step 1
Application Form for Yoga Professional Certification
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Passport Size ImageImage File Only (Max. 2 MB)
Date of Birth
Father Name
Mother Name
Spouse Name
Persons with Disabilities Certificate (If Any)
Correspondence Address(Please fill Carefully, Your Certificate will be dispatch on this Address Provided By You , If pass)
Pin Code
Permanent Address
Pin Code
Mobile number
ID No.
0 /
Upload Scanned ID CardImage File Only, Your name on certificate will be as per name on ID Card (Max. 2 Mb)
Are you a certified Yoga professional under Ministry of AYUSH?
If yesLevel of Exam
If yesCertificate No.
If yesValidity Period
Yoga experience Document(If Experience is >20 years)
Are you presently a student of Yoga Institution
Name of the Institution(If Yes)
Have you been rejected earlier / debarred for Assessment under the Scheme
Please provide the details(If Yes)
Do you have any family history of Heart Diabetes
Do you have any family history of Heart ailment
Do you have any family history of Diabetes
Do you have any family history of Mental illness
Do you have any family history of Tuberculosis
Whether you have undergone any surgical operation in the past?
Do you take any medicines regularly?
Please provide the details(If Yes)
Do you have any body deformity or defect?
Please provide the details(If Yes)
Do you have any problem of Rheumatism / Asthma / Joint pain?
Do you have any large veins in your legs, thighs (varicose -veins)?
Are you color blind?
h. Do you have any hearing problem?
Have you ever had any skin disorder?

Have you ever had medical treatment for?

Hay fever
Reaction to surgery
Reaction to Medicine
Fracture or broken bone
Eye Trouble
Fainting spells
Heart troubles or High Blood Pressure
Hernia or Rupture
Injury to knee joints
Paralysis or weakness in arms or legs
Emotional upsets
Tuberculosis (TB)
Prolonged Fever
Back pain
Any other health condition
Language of Exam
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