Certified Yoga Professionals (Yoga Protocol Instructor) can teach basics of Yoga / common Yoga protocol developed by the Ministry of AYUSH for International Day of Yoga for prevention of diseases and promotion of health. They can conduct Yoga practice / classes in parks, societies, RWA etc.
There is no eligibility criteria for this certification. It is open for all candidates. To appear in this certification, it is suggested/ desired that the candidate should have passed 10th standard / secondary school certificate from a recognized board or equivalent.
Minimum age: No age limit
Name of the Certification | Yoga Protocol Instructor |
Certification Level | Level-1 |
Credit points for certificate | 12 credits |
Head | For Indian Citizens (INR Rs.) | ||
Regular | Repeated Candidate Fee | Re-Appear Fee – Theory | |
Enrolment Fee | 500 | – | – |
Exam Fee | 2750 | 2750 | 1100 |
S. Total | 3250 | 2750 | 1100 |
GST @ 18% | 585 | 495 | 198 |
Total Fee | 3835 | 3245 | 1298 |
Head | For Foreign Citizens (USD) | ||
Regular | Repeated Candidate Fee | Re-Appear Fee – Theory | |
Enrolment Fee | $50 | – | – |
Exam Fee | $100 | $100 | $40 |
S. Total | $150 | $100 | $40 |
GST @ 18% | $27 | $18 | $7.2 |
Total Fee | $177 | $118 | $47.20 |
Total Marks: 200 (Theory: 60 + Practical: 140)
Unit No | Unit name | Marks |
1 | Introduction to Yoga and Yogic Practices | 20 |
2 | Introduction to Yoga Texts | 20 |
3 | Yoga for Health Promotion | 20 |
Total | 60 |
Unit No | Practical Work | Marks |
1 | Demonstration Skills | 80 |
2 | Teaching Skills | 40 |
3 | Application of knowledge | 10 |
4 | Field Experience | 10 |
Total | 140 |
1.1 Yoga: Etymology, Definitions, Aim, Objectives and Misconceptions.
1.2 Yoga: Its origin, history and development.
1.3 Guiding principles to be followed by Yoga practitioners.
1.4 Principles of Yoga (Triguna, Antahkarana-Chatushtaya, Tri-ShariraPanchakosha).
1.5 Introduction to major schools of Yoga (Jnana, Bhakti, Karma, Patanjala, Hatha)
1.6 Introduction to Yoga practices for health and well being.
1.7 Introduction to Shatkarma: meaning, purpose and their significance in Yoga Sadhana.
1.8 Introduction to Yogic SukshmaVyayama, SthulaVyayama and Surya Namaskara.
1.9 Introduction to Yogasana: meaning, principles, and their health benefits.
1.10 Introduction to Pranayama and Dhyana and their health benefits.
2.1 Introduction and study of Patanjala Yoga Sutra including memorization of selected Sutras (Chapter I- 1-12).
2.2 Introduction and study of Bhagavad Gita including memorization of selected Shlokas (Chapter II -47, 48, 49, 50 and 70).
2.3 Introduction and study of Hathapradipika.
2.4 General Introduction to Prasthanatrayi.
2.5 Concepts and principles of Ahara (Diet) in Hathapradipika and Bhagavad Gita (Mitahara and Yuktahara).
2.6 Significance of Hatha Yoga practices in health and well being.
2.7 Concept of mental wellbeing according to Patanjala Yoga.
2.8 Yogic practices of Patanjala Yoga: Bahiranga and Antaranga Yoga.
2.9 Concepts of healthy living in Bhagavad Gita.
2.10 Importance of subjective experience in daily Yoga practice.
3.1 Brief introduction to Human body.
3.2 Meaning and Means of health promotion and role of Yoga in health promotion.
3.3 Yogic positive attitudes ( Maîtri, Karuna, Mudita, Upeksha).
3.4 Concept of Bhavas (Dharma, Jnana, Vairagya, Aishvarya) and their relevance in well being.
3.5 Dincharya and Ritucharya with respect to Yogic lifestyle.
3.6 Holistic approach of Yoga towards health and diseases.
3.7 Introduction to First Aid and CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR).
3.8 Yogic management of stress and its consequences.
3.9 Yoga in prevention of metabolic and respiratory disorders.
3.10 Yoga for personality development.
1. Prayer: –Concept and recitation of Pranava and other hymns.
2. Yoga Cleansing Techniques: –Knowledge of Dhauti, Neti and practice of Kapalabhati.
3. Yogic Sukshma Vyayama and SthulaVyayama
4. Yogic Surya Namaskara
5. Yogasana
6. Preparatory Breathing Practices
7. Pranayama
8. Understanding of Bandha
9. Understanding of Mudra
10. Practices leading to Meditation and Dhyana Sadhana
11. Methods of Teaching Yoga